Southeast Missouri


Membership Rates/Description

Membership Rates and Descriptions

As of January 1, 2024 Adult* $45.50/monthly or $530/annually Household** $68.00/monthly or $805/annually Single Adult Household** $56.50/monthly or $665/annually Senior (age 60 & up)* $32.75/monthly or $379/annually Senior Couple** $49.00/monthly or $577/annually College Student $23.50/monthly or $268/annually Youth (12-18 years) $21.75/monthly or $249/annually Youth $11.50/monthly or $122/annually *$50 Joiner’s Fee ** $75 Joiner’s Fee Joiner’s Fee- one time fee paid by new members only. Those renewing their memberships within 60 days do not pay a joiner’s fee. Joiner’s fee may be divided into payment’s of $25/month. Payment Methods- Annual- payment in full for one year. This may be paid by cash, check, or credit card. Bank Draft- Monthly plan in which fee is automatically drafted from credit/debit card, checking, or savings account. Corporate Membership- Reduced membership rates available for individuals who are employed by our corporate membership partners. To learn more about this program, please contact Becky Green at bgreen@ymcasemo.net or Tara Cooper at tcooper@ymcasemo.net. Adjusted Pricing Policy You may qualify for a reduced membership and joiner’s fee based on your annual household income and number of dependents. Inquire at the Welcome Center for more information.